
Les nostres actuacions

Descobreix les nostres iniciatives per a portar a terme petits canvis al mon rural dels Prepirineus

Jornades de debat

Coneix els resultats del procés de debat sobre la ramaderia extensiva al Montsec entre dirents actors del territori

Grup de treball jornada de debat sobre la ramaderia extensiva a Àger

Diagnosi de la situació ramadera al Montsec

Meet Juan, a shepherd who went from struggling to thriving with the support of PREPAST. His story is a testament to the positive impact of extensive pastoralism.

Resultats del procés participatiu

Meet Juan, a shepherd who went from struggling to thriving with the support of PREPAST. His story is a testament to the positive impact of extensive pastoralism.

Herd of Cattle in Daytime

Zones prioritàries d’actuació

Meet Juan, a shepherd who went from struggling to thriving with the support of PREPAST. His story is a testament to the positive impact of extensive pastoralism.

Banc de pastures

Meet Juan, a shepherd who went from struggling to thriving with the support of PREPAST. His story is a testament to the positive impact of extensive pastoralism.

The sheep

Manual de bones pràctiques

Meet Juan, a shepherd who went from struggling to thriving with the support of PREPAST. His story is a testament to the positive impact of extensive pastoralism.

Ramat d'ovelles pasturant

Actuacions al territori

Meet Juan, a shepherd who went from struggling to thriving with the support of PREPAST. His story is a testament to the positive impact of extensive pastoralism.

Activitats turístiques

Meet Juan, a shepherd who went from struggling to thriving with the support of PREPAST. His story is a testament to the positive impact of extensive pastoralism.

White and Brown Cow Nearby Mountains

Escalabilitat del projecte al Prepirineu espanyol

Meet Juan, a shepherd who went from struggling to thriving with the support of PREPAST. His story is a testament to the positive impact of extensive pastoralism.

I drive by this every day to and from Mountain City, TN and I thought it would make for a good picture.
Desplaça cap amunt